Wałbrzyskie Zakłady Koksownicze “Victoria” S.A is a company , purpose of which is a growth of value in economical and social aspect. In connection with it the great  importance is attached  to create suitable relationships between the company and community in which the company run its business.

Taken by us the charity and sponsorship consist in financing and supporting the regional cultural, social, ecological, educational, sport, scientific and health protection  initiatives. The sponsorship taken by VICTORIA S.A is an element of social responsibility of the business that is entered into its  management strategy.

The sponsorship of VICTORIA S.A are focused on:

  • increase of the company value in economical and social aspect,
  • gaining the balance between the economical value, social interest and environment
  • development of the social capital with thought of future generations
  • counteraction and solving the important problems existing in direct surroundings
  • promotion of region potential directly connected with business activity of  VICTORIA S.A
  • building the relationships between Wałbrzyskie Zakłady Koksownicze “Victoria” S.A and important signatory groups based on respect rules and mutual understanding of needs and expectations
  • popularization of knowledge and promotion of quality of VICTORIA’S products.

Scopes of activities:

VICTORIA S.A  creating the culture based on the social responsibility rules and aspiring to work out stable mark forms serious image as a basis of effective formation of the brand VICTORIA S.A .

Sponsorship areas:

  • Sport – events, teams or individual sportsmen;
  • Culture and art – theatres, museums, cinemas, exhibitions, festivals, artists;
  • Education and school system – supporting the schools and kindergartens;
  • Science – scientific research, conferences, symposiums, books and other publications;
  • Ecology – nature and environment protection
  • Health protection – hospitals, outpatient clinics, actions connected with the  prophylactic examinations, education within the frames of health protection;
  • Social sphere – local initiatives leveling the social barriers, children’s homes, nursing homes.
  • The main area of the company’s sponsorship is sport.

If you have any questions regarding sponsorship, please contact with:
Miss Anna Pancerz, e-mail: apancerz@remove-this.wzkvictoria.pl